
Источник: Gastown gets Supernatural

С твиттера Падалеки: шахматы, пиво и моя жена (ну а старый друг с той стороны фотки….):


Saturday, 13 August 2011 07:46

Supernatural! Any nugget will do. Saw on Twitter that you were talking to Jared Padalecki! -- Isabell

Indeed! And we had a rousing conversation about Sam's hair that I'll share with you soon. (This is mostly true, except I might never share it with you because it was hilariously random.) But the real scoop came from head honcho Sera Gamble, who dished about a very fun upcoming episode where the boys travel to Lily Dale, N.Y., which is a "true-life town with the highest concentration of psychics and spiritualists in the country." "It’s a little tricky to go ghost hunting where everyone is calling ghosts," she teased. "But it’s a good place to have a conversation about the difference between fake psychics and true psychics."

Краткий перевод:

Новый спойлер от Сары. Одна из серий будет посвящена поездке мальчиков в долину Лилий. Городок, населенный экстрасенсами и призраками. Как сказала Сарочка: «это хорошая сцена, дающая возможность понять различие между настоящими экстрасенсами и шарлатанами"


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@темы: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Clif Kosterman, Дженсен Эклз, Клифф, Jared Padaleсki, Дин Винчестер, Джаред Падалеки, Jensen Ackles, Джаред, Сэм Винчестер, Интервью